Change Management

Change is inevitable no matter what the situation or organization.  Some people see it as exciting and challenging while others see it as a necessary evil. Change management, regardless of the model, is easier when it is planned and intentional rather than a surprise or accidental.

At Pam Paquet & Associates we work to create ideas for change and develop strategies for seamless, successful implementation. Change management success is directly proportional to the degree of acceptance; therefore we focus on people and their buy in when implementing change.

Learning objectives:

  • Understand people’s needs and address resistance to change
  • Acquire buy in from multiple levels within the company
  • Create change management strategies optimal employees as well as the company

If there is reluctance to address problems or implement new processes for fear of resistance and turnover, then this training is for you.  Change is not always about “what” to change, but sometimes more about “how” to create change that is welcomed, embraced and successful.  Contact us at 604-349-8660 or

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